The Company

We are above all a bunch of friends, surrounded by young people from the country with a strong desire to participate in this adventure. We are predominantly scientists and engineers with diverse backgrounds, successful business builders and leaders, and have worked across the globe.

Our knowledge: physics, electronics, biology, computer science, virology, pharmacology, artificial intelligence.

Our goal: to contribute to the technological development of a country of heart: Cambodia.

As scientists and in the company's area of ​​expertise we have worked on various multidisciplinary projects, ranging from laser optics to ultrasound and time reversal. Signal processing is a given.

The systems we market are not voluntarily patented, but we rely on the quality of our products and our know-how to make the difference with the copies that our products will generate.


Ros Kiri Ing PhD, Alexandre Hassanin PhD, Bounthara Ing, Thiromana Yin, Bruno Pouet PhD, Lim Song Chou, Kour Sotheary, Philippe Alexandre Chevalier, Philippe Machabeis, Kantha Boumi Ing (General manager) 

Ros Kiri Ing PhD in Optics & Photonics, Principal Founding Member of SUVA-TECH Co, Ltd is an experienced researcher

He began his career at NRC (Boucherville, Canada) in the field of photonic optics by developing various laser interferometers based on photorefractive crystals. His first patent is Canadian and he is the principal inventor of more than 16 patents

He then worked in France as an associate professor in Optics and Acoustics, first at the Laboratoire Ondes and Acoustique and then at the Institut Langevin. He mainly collaborates with Professor Mathias Fink, scientist and academician of the Academy of Sciences (France). 

In 2003, he created the startup Sensitive Object SA, which was sold in 2010 to Tyco Electronics for US$ 62M. In 2021, he created a medical startup AUSTRAL DX. In his research Ros Kiri Ing works mainly in the field of physical acoustics (guided waves, metamaterials, ultrasound imaging, signal processing and NDT) but also works by vocation and passion in transversal fields such as medical or… that of bats. 

On this occasion, he participated in late 2012 in a first mission to Congo DRC where, with his fellow biologists, they were able to rediscover the iconic panda bat (Glauconycteris superba) and track its capture and flight prowess

Since the material named BATAK, unpatented and widely disclosed, developed mainly to carry out real-time 3D trajectography of bats has been used by various teams of biologists (uninitiated public) of the Muséum National d'Histoires Naturelles de Paris, mainly to carry out ecological impact studies of urban planning, in town and in the countryside. 

In 2016 and 2019, BATAK was used for field studies and identification in Amazonia and Benin.